Creative Vitality:
How to keep the channel open
(a self-guided course)
Are you your own best ally, or harshest critic?
Built for busy humans with limited spoons, this short, digestible email series will help you expand your relationship to your own creative capacities.
Over the course of about a week, you’ll receive four small strategies—or “seeds”—that will help you:
Hone your authentic impulses so you can create work that lights you up.
Protect and amplify your sense of worth, allowing you to unapologetically embrace your artistic identity.
Clarify what success feels like on your own terms, so you can put pleasure & fulfillment at the center of your practices.
For the reflective journalers, I include bonus writing prompts to help you go deeper.
Because your creative life is your real life.
Signing up adds you to my occasional email list, which you can unsubscribe from at any time. I respect your privacy + autonomy.